Jun 6, 2008

#75: The Backyard Tourist (Friday, June 6)

For the past two years, a couple friends and I have been planning to road trip to Rhode Island for seafood (don't laugh, RI has some of the freshest seafood ever...well so I've heard). We've been planning and planning, but something always comes up and we never make it. I started thinking that if I died today, it would be one of the things I was "gonna do" but didn't. I also thought about the other places I've wanted to visit that are much, much closer.

The Idea: Be a tourist...in your own backyard. No matter where you live, there are neighboring states, counties, parishes or provinces that you've never visited. Why not now?

The Cost: Depends on where you live, and where you want to go.

The Benefit: You'll visit a new place, learn something new...and maybe meet some interesting people.

Testimonial: Whenever I need a quick getaway, Philly is my default. I've taken several day trips there, and each time I see something different, or wandered down a street I've never noticed before. It's a great walking city...as a matter of fact, I'll be there this weekend for their African festival for the second year in a row. :)


Anonymous said...

Debss.. when you go to do your walking trip to Phili.. where do you end up staying? Friends, Hotel, Motel?!?

That's the biggest challenge that i have when wanting to travel to palces other than FL, DC, CA or (well) NY :-p

Would love to hear the answer to this .

Your Favorite Teacher said...

Sounds like a good plan... Being in the south, we always hit up New Orleans for the seafood...

SimplEnigma said...

Khalil, c'mon. You are like the friendliest person I know. Technically, you only need to stay in a hotel once. It's the city of Brotherly Love...you can make friends there so easily.

Most of my trips to Philly are day trips. I hop onto Fung Wah and for $20 round trip, I can escape for a day...LOL. But there were a couple times when I stayed in hotels.

It's always best to book last minute (unless you're going for a concert or something). And if worse comes to worse, you just party all night and leave in the morning. :)

@Zachory, I wish I was neighboring Nawlins..I'd be there every weekend eating seafood. LOL.

Anonymous said...

You are so right.

I work in tourism professionally and it never ceases to amaze me how many people choose other destinations over their own back yard. It's so easy to fall into the mindtrap of 'it will always be there and we can do it later'.

I've travelled extensively, both for work and pleasure, and I have to say that the home turf is up there in the top ten list of most appreciated.

I particularly relish the way such visits add yet another dimension to the area that I always took for granted.