Jan 9, 2009

#107: A Latte Goes A Long Way (Friday, January 9)

The Impact: Every year, Americans drink more than 100 billion cups of coffee. (Thank you, you put me through school and made my dad a decent living!) However, of these billions of cups of coffee, nearly 15 billion are served in disposable cups -- enough to wrap the Earth 55 times if placed end to end. What's more, the inside of those cups have a plastic lining made from a petrochemical that would produce enough energy to heat 8300 homes for a year! (Source: Go Green, Live Rich by David Bach and Hillary Rosner)

The Idea: BYOTM! Bring Your Own Travel Mug and get your coffee poured directly into the mug, rather than in a disposable cup.

The Result: You'll save trees, save energy and probably save a few cents on every cup of coffee (since they won't have to charge you for the cup).

1 comment:

Dee said...

thanks for the tip--I am looking at a cup and feeling guilty right now

and I wanted to say, about yoga,
you have to know for yourself
but I think there's a benefit in yoga for everyone