Jan 30, 2009

#110: Take A Back Seat (Friday, January 30)

The Impact: Sixty percent of Americans have access to public transportation, yet only 10 percent use it frequently, and just 4 percent use it as their primary method of commuting. An even smaller percentage actually walk or cycle. Furthermore, even though America only has 30 percent of the world's cars, Americans are responsible for nearly 50 percent of the daily global fuel consumption.

The Idea:
Take public transportation, carpool, bike or walk whenever you can, instead of jumping in a car. Use services such as Craigslist rideshare to share transportation for longer trips.

The Result: You can save over two tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year, you can do your part in preventing traffic and congestion (and as a result, air pollution), you'll save money (since you won't have to pay for insurance, parking, gas) and you'll help to lower dependence on fuel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love public transportation (when it works). I discovered Miami's this week. We need the metromover in NY!