Jun 22, 2012

#286: Reciprocity: A Reminder (Friday, June 22)

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Many of us probably grew up hearing that phrase, but how many of us really practice it in every day life? How many people make a conscious effort to treat everyone with the same respect, consideration and thoughtfulness that they would like for themselves. I stumbled upon an old book called The Party by Sally Quinn, who used to cover the parties for the Washington Post.

In it, she recounts a story of a dinner party where one of the guests, unfamiliar with a finger bowl, put it to his head and drank from it. The host, upon realizing his guest's error, picked up his own finger bowl and drank from it so the guest wouldn't be embarrassed or subject to ridicule.

I thought it was a wonderful reminder, especially since we're coming up on the mid-year mark of our theme. As you go through your day, continually ask yourself, "Am I being empathetic and thoughtful? Am I treating each person I meet the way I would like to be treated?"

It's never too late to start.

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